Manthan August 2020


Dear readers,

As we inevitably enter another phase of a prolonged period of worldwide unrest during this pandemic, the August 2020 issue of Manthan aims to reignite hope in our natural wonders and the world we live in. Amidst the chaos of battling a deadly virus and heartbreaking news around the world, it is crucial we take a break and appreciate the little things around us. This issue aims to lift our spirits through an article that explores the pleasures of observing something as little as a Hummingbird.
These are crucial times for all of us, as we struggle to rise above forces that threaten our peace, freedom and very survival. We hope to fuel our scientific temperaments and realize that the world needs critical thinking now more than ever; when all else fails, science will remain.

With love, hope and encouragement for trying times ahead,
Editorial Team,


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